Sunday, October 30, 2005
School is starting and signs of a sucky semester is already appearing. Well, we just have to mentally prepare ourselves..
Anyway, school is planning to send us to Korea for the BIT overseas study trip. While many would say, "Wow! Great!" i do have some worries.
1) The trip will be on WEEK 4, which means it will be very very rush.
2) We had to pay $680(approx.) for the trip, meaning i have to postpone buying my bike if i were to go on this trip.
This is stupid and biased. Are we suppose to go there, watch others eat breakfast, lunch and dinner while we eat instant noodles or at best vegetarian food!? Dumb planners..
Anyway, before i got carried away with my rambling, i would like to wish everyone happy holidays! Happy Deepa-Raya!
EDIT: I have thus decided NOT to go Korea. Nxt time got money then say ah.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Well, finally turning 19! Today's events pass and go pretty fast but it was great anyway. Met up with half(almost) of the original TT22 classmates for dinner and pool today. Hehe.. Good thing i don't have to pay for my breaded chicken cos it was my bday! Haha, Swensons really blood suckers lar. Next time i suggest u all just give me money for my bday. Whahaha! Want to eat ah? Go food court lar! Haha!
Anyway, thanks for the shirt. No idea why u chose to buy a shirt cos i am a T-shirt guy. A leopard never change its spots! Haha! Thanks anyway!
Curiously, it felt like a bad karma for me. Same place, same time, exactly a year ago, different people. Ahh.. the memories..
Thanks for everything guys (and gals), the mango cake, the breaded chicken, the ice-cream, the shirt, and most importantly your precious time. Arigato!
PS: Mandy, yours next! Wahaha! And also Stacy and Junhao! Scorpio Babies!
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Aprilia RS125


Ok, i have been looking around, surfing the net for a bike. There are not much choices for a 2B class bike that is not so expensive. Ok, you guys can help me choose ah. Just tag my tagboard! 1st Choice: Honda NSR150SP
Quite common 2B bike. However, the model is not in production any more so i may have to look for a 2nd hand one. Cheaper for me! But hopefully it doesn't break down easily. 2nd Choice: A scrambler
Quite a lot of scramblers around but i need to look for one which suitable for me. Firstly, it has to be 2B class. Secondly, must not be too tall!! Pricewise, it should be slightly more than NSR. But i will get it if the price is right!
3rd Choice: Phantom
Another commonly seen bike in Singapore. And the only bike i would want to put a "box" to put my stuff. But i think it would be quite ex.. If i can get this bike, it might as well be for my father!4th Choice: Aprilia RS125
Italian brand. So high maintanence and therefore expensive. Picture of it, coming soon.
Die die budget choice: Vespa
Haha! Last choice if really not enough money. Ah Pek bike ah.. but i will make sure it look less Ah Pek by repainting and modifying a bit. I think this the only bike my parents would fully subsidize for me. -_-"
Pictures.. Coming soon..
Monday, October 17, 2005
YES! Finally the finale of my time at BBDC! With sheer luck and strong will and determination =P, i managed to pass the evaluation at 1st TRY! Well, not exactly a good pass because i got 18 demerit points for the whole evaluation (more than that is a fail..).
Really lucky.. and the rest of the group had the same demerit points too! Except for 1 of them, who had an immediate failure because he hit a cone on the slalom course. LOL!
Well, the test date will be on 7th November and freaking early time.. 7.50am.
Hopefully, i can pass first try. Don't worry, i will do as much practice as i can!
Time to look for a bike!!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
YEAH! Results are out! I got my very first AD in my poly life!! WoooooHoooooo!!!! =D