Sunday, February 27, 2005

A Pink Vespa! Pink panther picture at the front.. Not for me though.. For Yus and any gals who wants a Vespa!
Friday, February 25, 2005

Vespa!! See those Vespas are cool!
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Yeah! Finally enrolled myself into a riding course at Bukit Batok Driving Centre(BBDC) yesterday. So blur when i went there.. Like a deer in Suntec City (Malay Proverb ah...) Anyway, i went there with my father after school and we had to stayed there for quite long because i missed the briefing. Stupid la they all.. How i know that we had to enter the room first before the person comes in to brief us? Some more only 2 people in the briefing room. Me and 1 Indian who is taking Automatic 3A licence.
Ok i am now in Human Resource lecture while writing this, so no "creative language" is being used. So boring.. (To be continued later in the day.....)
Now i am saving up for a Vespa! And i am going to modify it so it look less "ahpek" (according to some people..). Vespa is nice only when u modify them and do some paint work la. Mine will be a replica of the vespa used in the adidas advertisement in the "Road to Lisbon"!
Anyway, we did project after the lecture and we are progressing quite slowly. Tommorrow we gonna do project again after school i think. So sian.. Stupid school, stupid module, stupid teachers.. Don't know how to teach one ah..
Ok, crapz over. Zzzzz..
Monday, February 14, 2005
HAppy Valentines Day y'all! Less than 24 hours since i wrote my last blog but nevermind, who cares. Better write now than later when my brain cells are still active!
Just came back from spending the Valentines Day with baby. So tired and my stomach is going to burst! We went dinner with Zhaf and Izyan for our first double date! Yeah! Haha!
Firstly must say thanks to baby for the prezzie and card! Very sweet.. Cool jacket! And thanks izyan for the bracelet!
We both have something in common eh? Missing chilling out at the Esplanade! Well, we should find time soon ok?
Yeah, we went Plaza Singapura to eat dinner at Pastamania. Zhaf is pretty noob there so Haha! Well as usual baby can't finish her pasta and push it to me. So i ate like 1 and half plate of spaggetti and 3 and half garlic bread! We like to share things ah esp food. Then after eating we went walk around PS before heading home. Although its a short day, but i think its a great time spend together. Thanks for the prezzie again baby!
Yeah today is Valentines Day! Now i am at Zhaf place doing some last minute UTM project. Bloody members never do their part.. Well, Vday shopping all done! Looking forward to tommorow when we are planning to go for a double date! Its just going for dinner. No big deal. Baby had to go back to do assignments. So super tired now. Look at the time! Its 2.38A.M on my laptop clock!
Went to do project at Zhaf condo ard afternoon and then go Causeway Pt to look look see see. Bought something for baby and i am not telling yet. Find out tmr la. After that we went to DErrick's house to collect ang pow and watch soccer a bit. We help him out a bit and thats abt all that i can say. Can't reveal so much ah. Yes, and after that we went to Zhaf place and start doing our project. Finally managed to complete it. Phew..
Friday, February 11, 2005
Location: Town
Time: 13oo - 1400 hours
Mission: Operation Vday Gift
So damned bored now.. I am still in school when i am typing this blog out and was bored to death while waiting for baby to finish her lesson. Got some test i think. Anyway, mission to get VDay gift is a "complete failure". With our comrades reduced to just two people, we struggle to get ideas for the perfect gift. Time is running out. One of our comrade, Private Amanda Lam was MIA after we combed Isetan. Well.. Not exactly, but she went to meet her bf to watch movie or something. She seemed pretty pissed today due to some "personal matter". Cheer Up!
Anyway, back to the action. Yes, we arrived at the scene around afternoon after doing our project.. Oh no, my gf just called..
To be continued....
Ok the coast is clear. Current positon is at home. Proceeding mission. The shops at Far East are mostly closed today. Probably half of them have the sign " Gong Xi Fa Cai! Come tommorrow!" Anyway only one of us bought something today. After our almost fruitless attempt to find something nice to buy over at Far East, we decided to move on to our next stop, Isetan Scotts. Or whatever the place is called. The one with Lido cinema lar.
Anyway, to cut the long story short, Private Amanda had to leave halfway through our operation. So it's left with two clueless guys walking around town doing what our opposite sex loves to do, shopping. After walking around aimlessly, we decided to retreat to base camp(Ngee Ann Poly), with me hoping that tommorow would be a luckier day..
Monday, February 07, 2005
One more week to Valentines Day! Haven't get anything yet for yus.. Hmm.. Never mind, still got time. Anyway, i was having a conversation and i found that some people are not really looking forward to Valentines Day! Why?! I mean i can understand that this will be the case if you are single or dateless on this day, but for those who already have partners and say that Valentines Day is not such an important day is strange and quite ridiculous. Maybe they are not interested in all this stuff because it's "not their culture" or too busy with work or things like that. Its just one day in one year when we celebrate Valentines Day and is supposed to be the time for love and things like that. So please enlighten me with your wisdom..
Is V-Day suppose to be treated as any normal day in the year even if you have a partner(those w/o partners need not answer)?
Oh and Gong Xi Fa Cai to all!
Friday, February 04, 2005
Finally our common test is over! BUT there are loads of project deadlines coming!! Crazy school life.. Last paper was IPT, Java programming. It was not so hard.
We discuss our OM project after the test, which is like so brain sapping.. I thought we can breath a little easy after the paper! But its better we do it as fast as we can and not leave it the last minute! Just reformatted my lappy today. And it feels brand new. *Sigh* If only we our life is like computers. Just reformat when something goes wrong.. Today sucks to some extent.. Feeling angry about myself.. Its just those days where somethings just doesn't go the way you want it to. Just have to bear with it. Oh.. what the hell.. Anyway, thats all for now.
Peace Out
z[A]r ™